The Sage Group

Intermittent Claudication Europe. A Country-Specific Market Analysis of Oral IC Therapies and A Population-Based Analysis of the Potential Market 2007-2020

A Country-Specific Market Analysis of Oral IC Therapies and A Population-Based Analysis of the Potential Market 2007-2020

This report focuses on two primary topics: the actual market for pharmaceutical therapies employed to treat the symptoms of intermittent claudication (IC) and the potential market assuming that all patients are diagnosed and treated appropriately.

The market for IC pharmaceuticals is analyzed for the Western and Eastern European regions, as well as for each specific country in the Western region and the two largest markets in Eastern Europe. Revenue data for Pletal (cilostazol), Trental (pentoxifylline), naftidrofuryl and buflomedil was derived from a custom query of the IMS database for the years 2000 through 2007 (year-to-date). For comparison, a second query was performed that examined all chemical entities employed to treat the ICD-10 code for IC.

The potential market for IC therapies was estimated using a population-based method that is a variation of that employed in the Edinburgh Artery Study. In the Critical Limb Ischemia report, this approach was previously shown to be reasonably comparable to that of the more complex Diabetes Method for calculating the prevalence of Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) in the U.S.

PAD prevalence for the European regions and for the individual markets is based on the prevalence of PAD by age group. IC is estimated from the PAD population based on a range of patients suffering from the classic symptoms of claudication. The same method was employed for all countries for the years 2007 through 2020.

In each region and country, the number of people with PAD, IC, the number needing medication for symptoms and the dollar value of the market is displayed in tabular form for the years 2007-2020. The prevalence of PAD and IC as well as the European IC market opportunity is compared to that in the United States.

Price: $2,900

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