The Sage Group

South America – Diabetes, Peripheral Artery Disease and Critical Limb Ischemia 2013

Research on the epidemiology of peripheral artery disease (PAD) and critical limb ischemia (CLI) in South America remains non-existent.

South America: Diabetes, Peripheral Artery Disease and Critical Limb Ischemia contains a comprehensive analysis of the 2010 prevalence of diabetes, PAD and CLI in each of the 10 countries of the continent. The prevalence of PAD and CLI are projected for the 2010-2030 periods.

Prevalence is defined as the number of new and old cases of peripheral artery disease and critical limb ischemia.

Peer-reviewed research on the incidence and prevalence of diabetes, peripheral artery disease and critical limb ischemia is reviewed, analyzed and assessed for each country. The 10 countries include: Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Chile, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay.

PAD and CLI prevalence is estimated based on The Diabetes Method, which was previously validated in CLI Volume I. The Diabetes Method begins with segmenting the population of each country by age and glucose status, calculating the prevalence of peripheral artery disease in each glucose category and finally the prevalence of critical ischemia by PAD and glucose status.

Epidemiological data on glucose status by age is reasonably available for the countries of South America. However, there are no published peer-reviewed studies that have examined the age and glucose based prevalence of PAD or CLI. In the absence of such studies THE SAGE GROUP estimated PAD prevalence based on previous research published in CLI Volumes I and II conducted in the U.S. and Europe.

Price: $4,500

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